October 2002

October 30, 2002

BabyBlog from BabyNames.com offers baby news including famous people who are expecting, celebrity births, and news of ordinary people with unusual stories. It may be a good spot to get inspiration for baby names, something I am struggling with though I love studying names.

October 29, 2002
How Do I Name Thee?

Wren sounds musical, lyrical... but not after you read the real story of how Wanda came up with the baby's name.

Anyone got an interesting baby naming story? Please share.

My stories are boring. Both kids named after relatives as am I except my sister, then 12-years old, threatened to run away from home if my mom named me Meredith. Eventually, it became Meryl after my paternal grandfather, Max.

My Brain's Shrinking!

It's true. When a woman is in the third trimester (read: in the last days of her pregnancy screaming at her stomach for the kid to get out), her brain is at its smallest. The brain cell volume decreases during pregnancy, but soars back up after delivery, thankfully. The gory details of our lame-brainy behavior: Attack of the Incredible Shrinking Brain.

October 28, 2002
Baby Names

We finally got a name for the new Baby Blues baby. Think she's ripe for teasing? Or will it be an admired and unique name? Here's plenty of places on the 'net to find names:

There are many sites that focus on ethnic names. Just go to the Google link and you'll get a list of those or change the search to: +baby +name +(ethnic, etc.). Change the last one to “Indian (as in India), Irish, unusual, uncommon, celebrity, Hawaiian, Tamil, Goth (I swear!), African, or whatever you want.”

Update: I *swear* (again) that I hadn't read Dori's entry after posting this. She provided a link to Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing. Gotcha speaking here: That should be “Babies.”

Welcome, Wren MacPherson!

October 26, 2002
Baby Blues: It's a Girl!

Congratulations to Darryl and Wanda MacPherson on the birth of their baby girl in today's Baby Blues. I missed by one day. She had the baby right on her due date.

October 24, 2002
Baby Blog Is Officially Open

Today's appointment was the doppler appointment (hearing the heartbeat with a special stethoscope). There were a couple of brief instances where the doctor could hear the heartbeat, but then mama's heartbeat would drown it out. So back to sonogram and all is good. This blog is officially open to anyone who wants to read a pregnant woman drone on for another 29 weeks. (Due date May 16, 2003.) Click on the photo for more detail.

Sonogram shot numero dos. Click for larger detail.

October 23, 2002
Wanda Is in Labor

Being a typical comic strip fashion, Baby Blues is dragging out Wanda's labor. It started last week and continues on. I'm betting on two things: (1) it'll be a girl and (2) it'll be born this Sunday when it's “color comics day.” Her due date is October 26, which is this Saturday. So, the 27th makes sense.

Dori shared a couple of snappy comebacks with me and brightened my day.

Question: “Do you want a boy or girl?”
Answer: Yes.

When describing the #3 surprise kid: “Unexpected, but not unwanted.”

Only in our case, it was planned. Yes, really!

October 22, 2002
Double Whammy

When you have a sinus infection, you feel rotten. When you have a sinus infection and a bun in the oven, then you're down for the count. Spent the long weekend glued to bed and becoming the ultimate couch potato.

October 12, 2002
State Fair

Oh boy, did we screw up!? We bought tickets to The Lion King, the musical back in August... or whenever the day the tickets were available for sale. We knew the show would sell out fast and wanted to grab a matinee since we're taking the 3 1/2-year old. It worked out because I can barely stay up past 10 PM these days.

We found out that is the day of the Texas — OU Red River Shootout at the Cotton Bowl, which is right in the middle of the state fair where the music hall is located.

Ugh, we have to go early to get parking since there is no reserved parking to music show patrons during the state fair. It'll be fun keeping the 3 1/2-year old entertained and dry. Why don't we go to the state fair? For one, it costs a lot of money to go just for an hour or so. We can't get there earlier because of a morning commitment. We can't stay after because of an evening commitment. When it rains, it pours.

October 11, 2002
The Questions People Ask

Already, I've found out what the most common question is when a woman announces she's pregnant with kid #3 — “Was it an accident?”

Second question is, “Due date?” Yeah, long way to go, baby.

True, America is known for having families with two children. But there are a few of us who can't resist having a few more. Yes, I know about population crowding and all that. People aren't having 10 kids today like they did during my grandparents' time.

Paul and I both grew up with two siblings. Actually, we were practically an only child because our siblings were 10 to 12.5 years older than us. I always joked that I wanted three kids in case I screw up one of them, then I still have two to fall back on.

No doubt when the pregnancy becomes noticeable, the questions will change to, “Boy or girl?” “Names?” “How much longer?” “Still pregnant???” I hope no one is crazy enough to ask, “C-section or vaginal” as the cashier asked of Wanda MacPherson of Baby Blues.

Don't plan to find out the baby's sex this time (we didn't with kid #1, but we did with #2). Names — it'll have to wait until B—Day.

October 10, 2002
Child #1

If the oldest child is old enough to understand the whole pregnancy thing and she is a talkative person, expect her to blurt to everyone you meet, “Mom's pregnant!”

We went to eat at a pizza buffet on school night (kid's school gets part of the money from purchases), we saw many people from the school. It was somewhat embarrassing to have the daughter announcing it to everyone who walked past.

I'm taking my time in announcing things especially at the office. They'll have to wait until after my appointment on October 25. It ain't like I'll be showing anytime soon. Plenty of time to share the news. The only drawback about not sharing in the first trimester is that's the time we're feeling like cr@p and it isn't easy to hide.

October 04, 2002
Strange Coincidences

Story #1
I have three friends that I consider my oldest and dearest friends. All three were in my wedding along with my sister.

Tamra got married in August 1993. I was three months pregnant with the first kid.

Bonny got married in October 1998. She wanted me to be her bridesmaid despite my willing to step down as a pregnant woman. That girl didn't care if I was nine months pregnant — she wanted me there and I was at six months with kid #2.

Tomorrow, Kristen finally gets married. I had planned to go to her wedding when I got the invitation in early September. Her wedding is a four hour drive from Plano, where I live. I just called and left a message apologizing profusely that I can't make it. If I were to attempt the trip, family will bet that I'd look greener than a martian.

Story #2
One of my favorite comic strips that I read daily, and is evident in the Amazon wish list, is Baby Blues. The character had the daughter first, the son second, and she's pregnant with a third. On Monday (September 30), the comic strip announced she is due on October 26.

October 03, 2002
The First Nine Months

I remember seeing First9Months after #2 was born an sending it to a pregnant friend. It's ironic that I found it after the birth because the baby in the story was born less than two weeks before mine. It's a pictorial journey from the beginning to birth. Warning: It's bandwidth intensive.

Let the Picture Do the Talkin'

The first sonogram taken on October 3, 2002

Click on picture for a little help.

October 02, 2002
Morning Sickness

Most women will tell you that “morning sickness” is a laugh. It's more like “morning, noon, n' night sickness” Some days, I have good mornings and bad afternoons. Other days, I have rough mornings and lousy evenings. The consensus is that I just plain don't feel good, but I'm gosh darn happy about it. What did you expect? I ain't gonna cuss here. Want to argue with a hormone overloaded woman? Didn't think so.


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